Saturday, September 12, 2009

Look ring fingers to blame for rash driving

Does your man drives a little too fast and doesn’t care much about traffic rules? Well, and then take a close look at his ring finger. Anew study says men with long fingers are more likely to drive too fast, overtake on dangerous roads and park illegally. The study indicates that bad driving may be programmed from birth because finger length is directly linked with exposure to the hormone testosterone in the womb. Many studies have shown that a long wedding ring finger compared to the index finger can have a powerful effect on behavior. According to researchers, it is linked with increased male aggression and risk-taking. It also means that they are better at sports and may even be more fertile than those with shorter ring fingers. In the study, researchers at the University of Mainz, Germany, recruited 77 male drivers at an average age of 38, and found that men with longer ring fingers were more likely to have been looked for offences.

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